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Tuesday 30 October 2012

History of gaming 50's - 70's

The first ever computer game developed was tic tac toe in 1952, and then tennis for two in 1958. both these creations are in my opinion dont really count as a true computer games (firstly because tic tac toe is shown only through code/text, and even though tennis for two is visual its played on a oscilloscope rather than a tv monitor), the first true computer game is space war by Steve Russell in 1962, its a two player overhead shooter where the aim of the game is purely to shoot down the other player before they do it to you.

I believe Nolan Bushnell and Ted Dabney were the first people to really make games for entertainment purposes, steve russells game was made more for the sake of proving it can be done in my opinion. this is evident in Bushnells comment "theres got to be a better use for a television than broadcasting". Even from a young age he was an inventor and creative person, this would have helped with the creation process of game production, ontop of this he ran his fathers company from an early age so he would have had a good grasp of how industry works and how money is made.

When Nolan and Ted began making games they formed the company Atari, their first game was computer space which was a remake of space war. Afterwards they worked on Pong for the arcades and then in 1975 they released th pong home system.

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