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Thursday 29 November 2012

Is Game reviewing needed? is it Bias and who's opinion can we trust.

This is a difficult one because how can I decide if games reviewing and marketing is bias based on what I believe, because this is just my opinion, the same as when a reviewer rates a game it tends to be at its core rated on how they feel towards the game, even though most reviewers try their best not to bring their own personal likes and dislikes into rating its in our nature to do so and express our own individual feelings.
I also don't value the opinions of reviewers from official gaming magazines or other official sources, as I believe they ( without rustling to many feathers ) are probably paid to say what certain game producers want them to say, one thing I've found that always grates against me is that each year a certain War game franchise releases it's new addition and they always are highly praised by all the official sources even though every game is practically the same with a few minor improvements to graphics an gameplay, but are essentially the same game, and yet other less well known games or games that don't have the AAA budget or reputation are criticised for not being unique or creative enough, or in the opposite direction are complained at for not being different enough from older games, and yet the AAA title doesn't get the same rigorous treatment , almost like there's a little sly cash under the table action involved? Now dont get me wrong im not Bad mouthing the AAA title because its still a great game, what i'm saying is its unfair for it to get specialist treatment because of its reputation.

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